Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^MTimes$
Year : 1932
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Howes, FrankThe Organ Music Society. MTimes 73 1067 Jan 1932 17-18
2. F. B.[10 Bach Preludes for trumpet and pianoforte edited by M. A. de Herve (Schott)] MTimes 73 1067 Jan 1932 36
3. F. H.Bach Cantata Club. MTimes 73 1067 Jan 1932 67-68
4. Wilson, SteuartThe Text of the B Minor Mass. MTimes 73 1067, 1068 Jan, Feb 1932 30-32; 120-123
5. Whittaker, William GilliesThe Art of Accompaniment from a Thorough-Bass. MTimes 73 1067, 1068 Jan, Feb 1932 32-34; 123-125
6. Westerby, HerbertThe Study of Bach. Letters to the Editors MTimes 73 1068 Feb 1932 161
7. Robinson, PercyThe 'St. Matthew' Passion, and Other Bach Inquiries. Errata in MTimes lxxiii/1071 (May 1932) 448. MTimes 73 1068, 1069 Feb, Mar 1932 113-115; 225-227
8. Terry, Charles SanfordBach's Descendants. Letters to the Editors MTimes 73 1069 Mar 1932 256
9. Terry, Charles SanfordBach's Dresden Appointment. MTimes 73 1070 Apr 1932 315-316
10. F. H.The Bach Choir [of St. Matthew Passion] MTimes 73 1070 Apr 1932 358
11. 'Feste'Round about 'The Art of Fugue'. Ad Libitum. MTimes 73 1073 Jul 1932 601-605
12. Terry, Charles SanfordBach's Wedding Quodlibet. Letters to the Editor. MTimes 73 1073 Jul 1932 642
13. F. H.Bach Cantata Club [at St. Margaret's on June 14] MTimes 73 1073 Jul 1932 648-649
14. Waters, Charles F.Recent Collections of Pre-Bach Organ Music. MTimes 73 1074 Aug 1932 731-733
15. C. D.A Bach Festival at Melbourne [from July 30 - August 6 1932] MTimes 73 1076 Oct 1932 938
16. [about the first performance of the 'Art of Fugue' in England on October 3] MTimes 73 1077 Nov 1932 996-997
17. Foss, Hubert J.Bach's Counter-Bricks, or Turner's Returned. MTimes 73 1078 Dec 1932 1082-1083

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita